
Inyong Kwon, Ph.D.Senior Researcher

Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) 

111 Daedeok-Daero 989, Yuseong-Gu, Daejeon, Korea 

Office: +82 (42) 868-4925

E-mail: (



Ph. D., EECS, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA (May 2015) 

M. S., EECS, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA (December 2012) 

B. S., EEE, Yonsei University, Korea (February 2010) 


Postdoctoral Researcher, with Dr. Craig Levin in Electrical Engineering and Radiology Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA. (2015 – 2016) 

– Electro-optical ToF (time-of-flight) PET insert for PET/MR 

– RF-penetrable PET/MR system 

Graduate Researcher, with Dr. David Wehe and Mark Hammig in Nuclear Engineering University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA. (2011 – 2015) 

– Integrated Preamplifier Design for Compensating Detector Capacitance (fabricated in 180 nm tech.

– Low Noise Transimpedence Amplifier for Detectors (fabricated in 180 nm tech.

– Radiation Hardened by Design (RHBD) SAR ADC 

Graduate Researcher, with Dr. Dennis Sylvester in EECS 

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA. (2010 – 2015) 

– In-situ Error Detection Processors with Modified DFFs, Razor-Lite (fabricated in 45 nm tech.)